Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Lost in the Dark

When your lost in the dark and you can't find the switch
and your hopes and your dreams lie dead in a ditch
When your blisters are hurten but you still gotta run
and your days feel all over before they've begun
When your tires are flat and so is your pulse
and to most you're invisible like the holy ghost
When your going through the motions and none of its real
and loves shes an emotion you forgot how to feel
When your down in the dumps and all circuits are busy
and you feel like an ant thats lost in the city
When your eyes are forced open and the truth is apparent
and it seems everything is flawed from god to your parents
When your climbing a mountain and your rope disappears
and your forced face to face with your deepest of fears
and crying wont help you so you suck up your tears
and no not no ones listening not none of your peers
When all colors seem faded but nothings wrong with your eyes
and your best girls in love with some other guy
When the beginnings a blur and the ends fast a coming
and you've run out of time but you've got to keep running
When your sails are all torn and your vessel is tossed
and you constantly dwell on all that you lost
When you've been up all night and it's near the break of dawn
and the worlds best advice is "hey life goes on"
Remember, it could be worse,
At least you dont live in Iraq


Blogger Sasha said...

Hey Pesach...
Hope you are not feeling this way, and if so, just know that you are very much loved by many who know you. Sending you good vibes from Switzerland.

7:39 PM  
Blogger The Monkeyhippy said...

You are amazing, dear man. That's beautiful and heartbreaking and true. Thank you.

3:40 AM  

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